Drug Testing: How to Deal with Employee Refusal

As long as the policy is followed, businesses that have drug screening policies included in their human resources guidelines are protected in case an employee refuses to take a drug test. Drug tests are either ordered based on reasonable suspicion of drug use or randomly performed. It can also be performed as a condition of employment upon job acceptance. Refusal to undergo drug screening is typically addressed in the policy as grounds for immediate dismissal.
MedWay Onsite Health Solutions, Inc., a reputable provider of onsite drug and alcohol testing services in Arlington, Texas, offers the following suggestions to deal with an employee who refuses a drug screen.
- Company Policy and State Law
The best way to handle employee drug testing is to write a clear company policy addressing the subject. It must include how and when the drug tests will occur and what the consequences are for refusal. In some cases, companies that don’t have an existing drug test and refusal policy must default to state laws on how to deal with employee refusals.
Important Note: Before you perform an onsite drug testing in Gainesville, Texas, or terminate an employee for refusal to submit to testing, make sure that you know your state laws to avoid legal ramifications.
- Establish Reasons for Drug Testing
On top of establishing a company policy on drug and alcohol usage, make sure to establish clear reasons for ordering drug testing as well. For instance, if you include a random drug testing program in your company policy, make sure to specify the percentage of employees that will be tested within a specific time frame. Once you have established specific reasons for your drug testing policy, you can also make the repercussions clear for refusing the test, such as immediate termination.
Need Help?
Need help with drug and alcohol testing in Texas? Not sure what type of drug testing services you need for your workplace? Let us help you! We offer convenient and accurate drug and alcohol testing services.