DOT Urine Drug Screen and Breath Alcohol Online Certification Class


Apply to receive your DOT Urine Drug Screen and Breath Alcohol Certifications through MedWay OHS.

What You Can Expect

  1. This training certifies you as -DOT Urine Drug Screen and Breath Alcohol Online Certification Class
  2. Easy-to-use online qualification training
  3. Receive learning material
  4. Five error-free mock collections
  5. One-on-one monitor program assists in certifying individuals in using our training program's associated Evidential Breath Testing Device - the Alcovisor Jupiter
  6. Complete the course at your own pace, and receive your certification


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$250.00 Registration Fee       Certificates Issued Upon Completion

Easy To Register

Registering for classes can be completed through our secure payment portal!


Signed certificates are provided immediately following completion of the course.

Resume Help

Our experienced writing consultant can help you add these certifications to your resume!

Extra Support

MedWay's reputation in the care community can make it easier for you to find jobs.

Stand Out!

We know that every certification counts to help you stand out above the rest!